online webcam modelling tips

5 Social Media Tips for Adult Webcam Models to Make More Money

The most successful adult webcam models are those who take the time to be savvy with their own social media presence. They are typically meticulous about maintaining accounts on all 5 of the top social media platforms.

The 5 best social media platforms for adult webcam models

A little planning and preparation will lead to less time and more efficient use of your time online as an adult webcam model
A little planning and preparation will lead to less time and more efficient use of your time online as an adult webcam model.

1. Twitter – Each time you are going online you need to be tweeting approximately 20 minutes before your show starts, if not more. Ideally, give your list of fans 1 hour’s notice that your live show will be starting or rather that you will be online. Make its production and make yourself appear to be busy until that very time you log in.

2. YouTube – Youtube videos showing yourself and your daily life with REAL clothing which is not adult in nature will substantially increase a man’s interest in seeing you in less….and a lot less of course. Try to take the time to create 10, 3-minute videos showing you doing various daily activities, and at all times make sure the last video is no more than 2 months old. Share these videos on Twitter and use your username in the title of all your videos. That is your brand. You want your brand to appear at the top of Google Searches.

3. Instagram – Clearly the hippest place to share video, make sure to share your Instagram profile across all your other social media profiles to drive more engagement within your fan base.

4. Facebook – Establish a page for your brand/webcam girl name. (Ideally, you’re using your real name as people who as webcam models that use their real name drive much more engagement on average because fans identify with them as a person) However, if for privacy reasons you have a separate identity for the webcam girl persona then still do not ignore this incredibly valuable place to engage your fan base!

5. G+ / Google Plus  – The demographics of the Google social network are such that you are apt to find higher incomes and a more receptive male audience here. Therefore, make sure to incorporate Google Plus into your marketing efforts as an Internet model.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Adult webcam models that cross share their social media profiles, over time build a brand and larger following. More fans mean less time on webcams and being able to attract clients willing to pay more for private shows. True professional webcam models have customers waiting on them and in order to establish yourself in the adult webcam industry and not just earn the average

BONUS TIP: Make sure you are modeling at the best, highest-paying adult webcam sites.

Check out our post on adult webcam modeling where we compare the best places for webcam models to work.  That post is here.

Lastly, I should also mention that you can let us know if you want to be featured in our regular column with the hottest adult webcam models located here. As a top adult webcam blog and resource for consumers, we drive a considerable amount of traffic to specific models and top adult webcam sites so the extra exposure does help!

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